Transforming whatever storm is swirling in my head into a moodboard that is useful and inspiring for myself and others feels very "Sublime," so we plan to keep sharing in this format.
Self-promotion makes me uncomfortable.
Maybe because I (read: most women) am not really great at it?
Or because I never want to sound sales-y.
Or because with software, it's always easier to justify tossing in one more feature than exposing our work to criticism.
As much as I write about Sublime here, I have a weird aversion to anything that self-describes as "marketing."
Buying ads, growth hacking, SEO optimization, working with “influencers” – these things feel so transactional and forced and not human.
But if you shy away from the dark art of promoting your work, how will anyone find it?
Making this moodboard on marketing and self-promotion helped me understand and reframe how I want to approach this.
If you are a builder going through your own crucible, I'm locking eyes with you in silent recognition. You are not alone. This stuff is hard. I hope this moodboard inspires you to PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE.
In fact, let’s use the comments section for just that — drop a note promoting the cool thing you’re working on. I want to hear about it and I bet others do too.

In other news…
Sublime but make it visual
I wrote this newsletter and put together this moodboard using Sublime Canvas (name tbd) – an early prototype of a cool spatial thinking thing we’re building.
If you are a Sublime premium member and are into these sorts of tools (think Miro/Figma) email me at and I’ll give you early access.
The links
Self-promo time
I wasn’t kidding – dive into the comments and share what you’re working on!
Thank you for this. I am in process of acquiring a small business in an industry I’ve never worked before. The idea of being the company’s (my company’s!) sole marketer and client relationship builder has been freaking me out a little. This inspiration is exactly what I needed!
I’m creating a new kind of dance / movement workshop that’s focused on the inner experience of movement rather than the other image. Its the result of a year of training in butoh, my somatics coaching practice, and heightened sensitivity after I went into recovery from alcoholism
Excited to share this event!