Patience is the ultimate competitive advantage
fast gets all the attention. slow has all the power.
I can't stop thinking about this:
Fast gets all the attention.
Slow has all the power.
If you're feeling everyone around you is moving faster and achieving more while you're being left behind—take a breath. That narrative is bullshit.
The constant pressure to compress what takes decades of work into days is a mirage.
Patience is the ultimate competitive advantage.
Here’s a moodboard — on patience.

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There is a deep, profound wisdom in the Navy SEALs’ aphorism: “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”
Funny coincidence: You published this right after I purchased the audiobook "The Practice of Groundedness" 😁 I'm a lover of slowness, but a very bad practitioner. I'm rooted in Taosim philosophically and slooowly it enters my grounded, physical presence. It takes patience to learn from impatience. Slowing down to the speed of life takes time. A path full of seemingly contractions.