Funny coincidence: You published this right after I purchased the audiobook "The Practice of Groundedness" 😁 I'm a lover of slowness, but a very bad practitioner. I'm rooted in Taosim philosophically and slooowly it enters my grounded, physical presence. It takes patience to learn from impatience. Slowing down to the speed of life takes time. A path full of seemingly contractions.
Fast x Slow is the defining tension of my year thus far. A genuinely hard balance to strike when the inertia of modern life is speed, efficiency, seamlessness, anti-friction, like thumbs sliding endlessly over a glassy interface, containing everything, yet touching nothing. This list reads like the formula for an antidote. Patience. Friction. Spaciousness. Duration. Sweating the Details.
Sari, how the heck do you always know what I need to hear? Reminds me of a thought I had about living life in a crockpot, not the microwave. Microwaves heat up processed food. It’s fast. Convenient. But it steals the process. Crockpots are all about the slowness. The simmering. The flavor is always better. Sure it takes more time. But it’s so worth it.
There is a deep, profound wisdom in the Navy SEALs’ aphorism: “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”
Funny coincidence: You published this right after I purchased the audiobook "The Practice of Groundedness" 😁 I'm a lover of slowness, but a very bad practitioner. I'm rooted in Taosim philosophically and slooowly it enters my grounded, physical presence. It takes patience to learn from impatience. Slowing down to the speed of life takes time. A path full of seemingly contractions.
Fast x Slow is the defining tension of my year thus far. A genuinely hard balance to strike when the inertia of modern life is speed, efficiency, seamlessness, anti-friction, like thumbs sliding endlessly over a glassy interface, containing everything, yet touching nothing. This list reads like the formula for an antidote. Patience. Friction. Spaciousness. Duration. Sweating the Details.
Beautiful. Thank you.
Timeless Truth. Well put. Thanks :)
Sari, how the heck do you always know what I need to hear? Reminds me of a thought I had about living life in a crockpot, not the microwave. Microwaves heat up processed food. It’s fast. Convenient. But it steals the process. Crockpots are all about the slowness. The simmering. The flavor is always better. Sure it takes more time. But it’s so worth it.
i needed to read thissssssss 🥹
Slowing down to speed up 🫧 yes.
thank you