I’m mildly sunburned and plotting a room for the quiet, odd and poetic web. I’ll send an invite in due time.

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INVITE US! we're obsessed with the possibilities of software that helps us live poetically, not just productively.

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Amen! 🕊️

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Loved the Stutz documentary on Netflix. This quote, and many others stuck with me.

"It’s really a magical thing. You enhance your relationship with yourself by writing. Some people say, “Well, write what?” “I’m not interesting.” “I’m not a writer.” It doesn’t matter.

If you start to write, the writing is like a mirror. It reflects what’s going on in your unconscious, and things will come out if you write in journal form that you didn’t know that you knew."

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I’m becoming more and more obsessed with exploring the power of vulnerability in writing. I write memoir-style pieces and I’ve seen firsthand how the universal emerged from the specifics of the stories we write.

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you had me at Rilke ❤️

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Love the newsletter! Will just a drop gem I saw a couple days ago for ya (this concept legit blew my mind!) https://twitter.com/goth600/status/1618711673535332352?s=46&t=P2yNpiBCFexB6mA0ZRYpTA

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whoa 🤯

thx for sharing jack!

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