Alex really enjoyed this post https://youtube.com/shorts/_IIACVvk9uI

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what the hell fresh is this

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Don’t shoot the messenger dude.

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i’ve been obsessed with the concept of “in between” this year- so cool to read that someone else is thinking about that

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I once wrote a similar post titled 'Moments in Life That Are More Important Than You Think.' We often underestimate these little moments. I even took my obsession with the 'in-between' further and called my publication 'As Slow As Possible' 🤣—a newsletter exploring the in-between spaces of our lives that we see but often do not notice. Looking forward to read your post! Have a wonderful day Hannah

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that’s so cool! thanks for sharing!

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During the pandemic, I stumbled upon the term "infra-ordinary," coined by French author and artist Georges Perec. This term represents the opposite of extraordinary. Perec urged readers to reflect on their daily lives, recognize meaningful moments, and find beauty in the patterns of their routines. After he created the term, he spent three days at a café in Paris, meticulously recording everything he observed as he "exhausted" the place. He presented his observations simply yet thoughtfully in a book called "An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris." I thought it goes well with the in-between!

I became obsessed with the 'in-between' last year, around the same time I started my newsletter, as slow as possible. In my newsletter, I'm exploring the in-between spaces of our lives that we see but often do not notice.

I bought the digital version last night and am looking forward to diving into it. I would have loved to have the printed version, but I live in Europe. Thank you!

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obsessed, have to check out more of his talks

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This is so good

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Ah loved this! What you pulled out, about that space and time in between and the quantised, I thought about back in 2014 with a wall clock that tick-tocked with your heartbeat, as an anti-quantified self product.


I love the way Doug talks and thinks. Thanks so much for this.

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